In accordance with the guidelines issued under Covid-19 in respect of social distancing, Republic Day celebration was organized at the premises of Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited, (REIL) at Kanakpura. On this occasion, the National Flag was hoisted by the Managing Director of the Company, Shri Rakesh Chopra, along with all employees and their families’ by singing the National Anthem, on the occasion of the 72nd Republic Day of the Country and respect for the nation and feelings of patriotism were expressed.
On this occasion, Managing Director, Shri Rakesh Chopra, in his address, extended heartfelt greetings and best wishes to employees and their families and citizens of India. He stated employees’ to contribute their 100 percent to carry forward the Company as well as in the development of their family, community and the Nation by performing their duties with discipline, team spirit and honesty and he called upon for speedy completion of the business target set for the year 2020-21 while working in unison with all,
On this occasion, the winners of various competitions organized like Swachhta Pakhwada, Hindi Pakhwada, Vigilance Awareness Week and Constitution Day in the Company during the year 2020 were honored by giving them a reward and appreciation by the Managing Director, Shri Rakesh Chopra. The Company's quarterly News Letter "प्रगति Insights" (October –2020 to December –2020) was also unveiled by the Managing Director, Shri Rakesh Chopra and other senior officials.
Everyone participated enthusiastically in this ceremony and all the members enjoyed watering food at the conclusion of the ceremony.